UberChic Plate - Furry Best Friends

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Furry Best Friends
Do you consider pet hair an accessory? Does your house get a little slobbery around meals? Well we have the very best plate that is perfect for any pet lover!
Our Furry Best Friends Nail Stamp Plate makes it okay to proclaim that you are in fact the crazy cat lady everyone talks about, that you have conversations with four-legged roommates that rival any other talk you've ever had, that you, in all honesty, truly love your furry beastie.
So go on, bust out the lint rollers and make room next to your pooch or purr machine and let your nails proudly own the fact that you love your furry best friend.
Some of the designs included:
dog, cat, dogs, cats, kittens, puppies, animals, pet, paw print, jump, fetch, chew, I scratch you sniff, puppy love, pug, love, crazy cat lady, poodle, woof, meow, fire hydrant, tag, collar, bone, rescue, poop, best in show, pet hair is my glitter, love is a four-legged word
Technical stuff:
The size of this plate is 9.5 cm by 14.5 cm and it has coordinating single images down the center and a few on the sides. Most designs are 17 mm x 21 mm and are built to cover edge-to-edge on even the largest natural nail size. Small nails left out? Never! Our designs are crafted to not be so overwhelming or large that you can't see what is on your nail - even if it's tiny!
The designs are engraved on high-quality stainless steel and can be used over and over again - never wearing out.
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