UberChic Plate - Flourishes & Ornaments

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Flourishes & Ornaments
Customer requested! This plate will upgrade your mani in refined chic style. Have a holiday party you're getting ready for? A wedding? Birthday? We've got you covered! We've carefully crafted every design to fit all nail sizes and provide a left and right version where needed of each. This is a must-have for every nail art lover.
Some of the designs included:
flourishes, ornaments, small designs, elements, heart, loop, twirl, flower, accent, accent image
The size of this plate is 9.5 cm by 14.5 cm and it has coordinating single images down the center and a few on the sides. Most designs are 17 mm x 21 mm and are built to cover edge-to-edge on even the largest natural nail size. Small nails left out? Never! These designs are crafted to not be so overwhelming or large that you can't see what is on your nail - even if it's tiny!
The designs are engraved on high-quality stainless steel and can be used over and over again - never wearing out.
Your nail art designs can be applied using nail polish, a stamper, and scraper.
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